Contains the following type of materials: photographs, photo albums. Covers the following the time periods: 1935-1941; 1989-1990. Contains photographs of the following military units: 14th Infantry Regiment; 4th Coast Artillery Regiment. General description of the collection: The Panama photograph collection consists of photos on Panama and the Panama Canal Zone. Box 1 contains photos dealing with "Operation Just Cause", 1989-1990. All are color prints of the invasion of Panama by United States (U.S.) troops against the insurgents of Manuel Noriega. No actual combat images are among these but U.S. soldiers guarding streets, prisoners and Noriega's headquarters can be seen. The other two boxes contain photo albums from unknown donors and have photos dealing with the activities of men of the 14th Infantry Regiment and the 4th Coast Artillery Regiment circa 1935-1940. Featured are Forts Davis and Amador and the military architecture, vehicles, weaponry, parades and training exercises at and around those two posts. There are also numerous photos of the canal and ships and the countryside of Panama and the native peoples of this Central American country.